10 Cool Christmas Shopping Tips

Avoid heading to the department store with your creadit card in hand. Doing this will cost you a lot, with a list on hand will make you buy things what you need only and less to forget anything. Preparing a list in advance will save you money.

Buying at a quality stores and branded items is a  very good presents. You dont want to give a cheap gift that will only last for a weeks. Durable items will cherish by your recipient throughout the year.

Online Shopping
Avoid the stress by shopping at the comfort of your own house. You can save time, no sales tax and add security using your credit card. Make sure that the website you shop has SSL security technology so that you can contest the charge if you don't receive the purchased items.

Best to shop in the morning, no shoulder to shoulder traffic and most of the salesperson are a lot friendlier when there's no crowd to handle. Also no long line on the cashier.

Workout a budget for each presents and stick to it. Buy only affordable but quality gifts. 

Extra Presents
Buy some generic and uni-sex gifts and wrap with a note in it what item it was, so that you'll always prepared for an exchange gift if somebody gives you an unexpected gift.

Sales Mania
Always lookout for a holiday sales, watch ads, newspaper and television for the up coming Christmas sales. More saving you will make because almost everything you want to buy goes on sales.

Safe your Receipts
This move is for your own sake, in case there is a damage or missing part of the items you purchase you can easily get a replacement.

Never wrap right away, check your items throughly if there's a damage and always remove the price tag. Save a little budget for the gift wrapper, this reflect your sentiments as a giver.

Reward Yourself
Finally, buy yourself a small token for a job well-done. This will acknowledge your accomplishments by rewarding yourself with an inexpensive and fun items.

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