10 Christmas Gifts For Teenagers

Funky T-shirts with unusual messages and your teenager's face on it will certainly be a cherished gift for a college going teenager.

If you have been squabbling with your teenaged kid about getting the piercing or a body tattoo, you may be able to iron your differences this Christmas by gifting them a makeover gift certificate instead of a safe and quality beauty saloon.

Buy them a designer dress, watch, purse, wallet or accessory and see your prince or princess glow on Christmas with delight.

Camping gear, study tour packages, first drives on Ferrari, military tank or your teenager son's favorite car or getting them enrolled into a car driving training school can be some of the best Christmas gifts, active teenagers will love.

Today's techno-kids love latest gadgets such as their own PCs, iPhone, iPad, music systems, home theater systems, IPods, DVD players and video games.

Funky alarm clocks will help to wake up your kid for college in time. Clocky, the latest invention might be the one you will need. This alarm clock runs off when you hit the snooze button, hides itself somewhere and you cannot turn it off until you are fully awake to find it.

Heart shaped pillows and key chains, lovebirds and a book of charms also find their way to teenager's heart.

A CD's - DVDs collection of their favorite music & film star means so much to them that you can not even think of!

Mobile Phones are a craze amongst teenagers? Get your teenage kids a beautiful and technologically latest Mobile Handset!

Why not get him/her a customized room? You can make this Christmas special by getting their room wonderfully decorated like a prince's royal room or your princess' dream castle. Ask for their suggestion before you get their room redone.

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