10 Christmas Gifts You Should Avoid this 2012

People typically enjoy getting gifts what they want rather than what they need, so in order for your recipient to enjoy your present avoid this items as a gift this Christmas season.

Sexy Underwear
      Never give this gift to a person in which you are not closely associated. Imagine if this were open in front of the kids? And who is likely to try it right there under the Christmas tree. The implication is always that you would like to see them in it.

Puppies or Kitten
This is not a good idea to give as a Christmas presents. Your recipient might not prepared to take the obligation of caring and training. They might not be able to handle the financial responsibility of puppies/kitten ownership. You might creates financial burden to the recipient for many years of commitment.

Deodorants and Cream
Giving a present like deodorants, foot creams, breath mints or any other personal hygiene items that says you stink or have a problem is so disappointing. You may go for perfumes, fragrant creams and essential oil.

Porno Mags
Do not under any circumstances give the gift of porno magazines at Christmas time. Even if the recipient is a collector of porn mags still they like to buy it in private. It’s so embarrassing to receive such mags specially when your relatives are present.

A Gift you Like 
Specially when your age gap to your recipient is a decade or more, don’t assume that you have the same taste or like. Making an assumption will result to bad Christmas gift. Just like you both has different opinions, chances are you share different style too.

Photo of Yourself
It is so cheap to gave someone a photo of yourself, even if it had been done by a  professional photography studio, not unless you are a popular celebrity.

Lose Weight Equipment
You should avoid giving exercise equipment unless the recipient ask for it. Specially to a women because they might think she’s fat and need to exercise, it is best to stay away from this argument.

This item is so common in general that to some people is so disappointing but rather have a fun gift instead. If you are not sure what they like or what size to get then it is best to skip the clothing option. Try a gift certificate to their favorite clothing store instead.

This items are considered the worst gift you can give to anyone this Christmas. This are boring, especially when they are the only gift you are giving the person. Socks are okay if they are of the decorative or fuzzy warm variety and they are a stocking stuffer and not the main gift.

Used Gifts
We all agree that there is no reason to throw something away if it still has good life left in it. But these are the types of things you give out of kindness—not as Christmas gifts.

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