Good Manners that have Been Forgotten

There are certain good manners that people are meant to follow. In the past, these rules bound society together so that it was safe. But, it is safe to say that they have pretty much been forgotten today.

Opening The Door
Men are supposed to open the door for ladies- whether they know them or not. It was the done thing in the past but over the years, this good manner has been pushed out. What’s more, women today seem to get embarrassed to start smirking if the man has enough sense to open the car or building door for her.

Writing Thank-you Notes
It is only decent to write a thank-you note after receiving a gift- no matter how close or distant the giver is. About 3 or 4 decades ago, parents made it a point to teach their children how to write these notes at a very early age. Today the very idea is laughed at.

It is Rude to Ask for Gifts
Today it is normal to receive weddings invitations that mention exactly what the bride would like to receive as a gift. This would be okay if she wanted cheap gifts but they tend to take advantage of the situation and ask for gifts that are worth at least a thousand dollars! Actually, it is never okay, so don’t do it.

Leaving at the Right Time
Guests are supposed to leave a party once the guest of honor (the oldest guest, basically) has left. People today come and go as they please- they decide to leave once they have had enough to drink at the open bar or when they catch a glimpse of the sunrise.

Arriving on Time
According to this good manner, guests are supposed to arrive at the given time and not wait about at home till they are sure that they will either make a grand entrance or be fashionably late. In the olden times, if you arrived at a dinner part even 15 minutes late, you would be expected to eat in the kitchen with the staff and join the rest of the guests only when they were done eating.

Eating Together
Etiquette rules at the dinner table are happily ignored today. The family members are supposed to dress for the meal and eat only if everybody is at the dinner table.

Parental Unity
These manner should be followed by parents all around the world. Firstly, they should never argue in front of their children and they should never try to turn the child against the other. Secondly, if the child’s father tells him to do something, the mother must make sure that he goes through with it.

Discretion on the Street
In the past, if people were walking on the street, they would talk in hushed tones, dress well and refrain from doing anything that would could be termed as attention-seeking. Today people walk about practically in their underwear and scream on their mobile phones on their way to the grocery store.

Men’s Wedding Clothing
The rule here is that you are getting married in the evening, you should wear a morning suit or a formal suit and not a tuxedo. In addition to that, you should give a tie to the men that are taking part in the wedding and make sure that the shade is similar to the one you will be wearing.

Money Matters
A gentleman is not supposed to borrow cash from a lady, he should pay back the borrowed amount as soon as possible and he should not talk about money.

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Office Etiquette said...

Etiquette and manners plays an important role in individual life. You have provided good information about etiquette.

Unknown said...

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