10 Wedding Customs & Tradition Around the Globe

 Polterabend--the Evening with Lots of Broken Porcelain: Days before the wedding, friends and relatives bring old porcelain and kitchenware to throw on the ground in front of bride and groom. This is supposed to grant them a happy, lucky life; that's why the evening event is called Polterabend- evening with lots of broken porcelain. The Polterabend often develops into an informal and casual party.

 A Pinch of Red-Coloured Powder on the Bride's Forehead: One of the important events in traditional wedding is that the groom puts a pinch of red-coloured powder on the bride's forehead. This symbolizes that they are now husband and wife. This red color on the woman's forehead differentiates whether she is married or not.

 Tests and Games for the Bridegroom: A bridesmaid and best man are not necessary in a traditional wedding because usually the parents will play these roles. The bride and bridegroom can not see each other the day before the wedding. Friends will design some games or tests and the bridegroom has to pass them before he can take his wife to get married. For example, friends will ask the groom about the bride's private things. If he answers correctly, he can go on to the next game, but if he doesn't pass the game, he has to give money to everyone and then he can go to the next step of the game playing.

 I Can't Read Your Name, So You're Next!: When a girl gets married, all her female friends write their names inside her bridal shoes. After the wedding ceremony, if someone's name has been rubbed off and can not be read anymore, it means this person is going to get married next.

South Korea
 Tossing the Bridal Bouquet and Giving nuts and Jujube: Many young people get married western style in Korea. That is, women wear a short dress, and men wear a new western suit. The bride throws her wedding bouquet back over her shoulder, and the girl who catches it is the one who is going to get married next. After the wedding ceremony is finished, the bride and bridegroom change into Korean traditional clothes and bow to their parents and elder relatives. Then, the parents and older relatives give them many nuts, Jujube, and some money. Nuts and Jujube mean they will have children, and they wish the bride and bridegroom a happy marriage.

 Important Details of the Wedding Ceremony: For example, the bridegroom can't see the bride wearing her wedding dress before the ceremony. The bride has to use something old, something new, and something that is borrowed. One more detail is that the rings should be engraved: the name of the bridegroom on the bride's ring and vice-versa.

 Exchanging Handkerchiefs and Wishing Each Other Good Luck: Every new couple needs to go to a park to have a video made before the evening party starts. If a new couple meets in a park, the bride and bridegroom should exchange a new handkerchief and wish each other good luck. It has to be red and have a picture of mandarin ducks. Because ducks always stay together and it means they will stay together. 

Czech Republic
Baby in Bed for Fertility:  A baby is placed on the bed of the couple the night before the wedding as a prayer for fertility.

"Jumping the broom" symbolizes the jump from singlehood to married life. 

 A Marriage of Two Families, Not Just Two People: In the Sikh faith (East Indian) when a couple are to be wed it is considered a marriage of two families not just two people. The bride traditionally wears red and the groom wears a traditional cream colored long coat called an etchkin with a red turban. The father of the bride joins the bride to the groom by handing her one end of a cloth that is held by the groom. The groom leads the bride 4 times around the holy book with the help of the bride's brothers and cousins. After the fourth round the couple are considered married then the priests give blessings and advise. 

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