10 Things Ladies Wants to Do Before Christmas !

Do Something Different with Their Hair
Attacking beauty parlors

Fall in Love
A magical experience during the holiday season

Lose Weight
Doing exercises in preparation for a holiday party

Window Shopping
Browsing shops on mall for a gift selection 

Setting a Date
Early reservation and planning 

Keep Negative People Out of their Life
Holiday season is for fun and celebration, no way for a kill joy people

Booking a Tickets for a Concert or Movies
That's include vacation trip local and abroad

Eating healthy food
Dieting: to feel sexy and active on every parties invitation

Taking Colorful Photograph
Compiling photos as a gift to a friend 

Completing the Traditional 9 Consecutive Midnight Mass
The midnight mass is a novena , marked as tradition, heard for 9 consecutive days and leads up to Christmas eve. Simbang Gabi as it is known in Filipino, is celebrated at the break of dawn appropriately representing the advent of a new day. And it marks that start of festivities.

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