10 Qualities of Irresistible Women - Billionaire Wives

What do you want for your love life? 
Do you want to keep it simple and stress-free, ending up with any man who comes your way? Or are you willing to work hard, living a fantastic life, and ending up with a successful husband who loves you with all his heart? I hope it's the latter! Sure, it's tempting to want a simple, stress-free love life. That's why I encourage my readers to become great women. I want you to be fantastic. I want you to be irresistible. I want you to catch any man you fancy in the future! The key to marrying a billionaire, according to the media, is beauty, Grace, charm, intelligence, manners and a talent for flattery help, of course. Yet from Melania Trump on down, billionaire wives have been expected first and foremost to be stunners — well-decorated accessories and showcases for their husband’s wealth. But today’s billionaires are different, I'm sure you'll agree with me that most billionaires today are smart, hardworking and visionary people. Here are some secrets to follow ;

# 1 - Not Just about Beauty 
Sure, when you look at the wives of billionaires, it's easy to think, "Wow, they sure look good. They were lucky to catch the eye of their billionaire husbands." That's not really the case.  “looks are great — but brains are even better.” It also helps for a billionaire wife to be successful in her own right.

# 2 - "Behind Every Man's Success is a Woman"
You may be surprised to know that some billionaire wives are even smarter and more successful than their billionaire husbands! So don't just work on your looks. Work on your mind, too. What have you done for your mind lately? Have you been reading good books? Have you been learning new skills? Have you been putting up businesses and supporting causes for the community? Keep on moving!

# 3 - Have a Life of Your Own
Some women think that billionaire wives do nothing but go around spending their husbands' money. That's NOT true! Many wives of billionaires today are billionaires in their own right --working hard, taking risks, serving the community, etc.   
Sergey Brin — In 2007, the Google guy married Ann Wojcicki, who he met when he sublet a garage from Ms. Wojcicki’s sister. She is a Yale grad who was working as a health-care analyst when they met. She’s now launched her own biotech firm. See? Now that she's the husband of Google's co-founder, she could just as well stop working and live comfortably for the rest of her life. But she didn't. she had a life of her own. She didn't stop working, and instead opened an entirely new business centered around her expertise!

# 4 - Know that It's not Just About You 
I'd like to give another example of a well-known billionaire wife. She's Melinda Gates, the wife of the billionaire head of Microsoft, Bill Gates. She's done some notable work at her husband's community, developing some of its better-known products. But Melinda doesn't spend all her time at Microsoft. In fact, she devotes a large chunk of her time, resources, and attention to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which focuses on reducing extreme poverty in Africa and improving education in America. To date, she and her husband bill have donated more than 24 billion dollars to the Foundation.

# 5 - They're Not Money-Grubbers
Billionaire Michael Dell — The computer king’s wife, Susan Dell, is no slouch in the business department. She’s chairman of her own fashion line, called Phi, and a triathlete,constantly working on improving her performance in the sports she loves.  She didn't heed the temptation to just sit back and enjoy the billionaire lifestyle. Instead, she hustled to live up to the title of "billionaire wife.' Today, Susan heads her own fashion line. That's right -- she owns her own company!

# 6 - Many of Them are Actually Kind-Hearted
Kindness never killed anyone and this quality is present in most women in abundance.It is common that excellent men are usually drawn into those women who really care much about them and their career. They appreciate women who would accompany them when they are depressed and who share the jollity with them when they achieve success.

# 7 - Possess a Gentle Souls 
To err is human, hence, a forgiving heart is a necessity in trivial daily life. Forgiveness is the ladder to happiness and strong, romantic relationship. Not every excellent man is perfect, thus, they seek for women who would understand them with tolerance, who DON'T think about themselves all the time. After all, how many of us has donated any money to eradicate poverty in africa?

# 8 - They Want an Equal, not a Bauble
They both had the  same  set  of  attitudes,  beliefs  and  values,  and  both  believed  that  attaining  financial independence was worth making  short-term  sacrifices. 
Billionaire Kenneth Griffin — The Citadel hedge-fund chief is married to Anne Dias Griffin, who runs her own asset-management firm, Aragon Global Management. This is proof that the key to a good financial marriage — unlike the key to a good hedge fund — is high correlations.

# 9 - Dress to impress
Billionaires are looking for a partner who will fit in at company functions, cocktail parties and local benefits. This means that you should always be well-groomed. Get regular facials and manicures. Little details like skin and nails show that you take good care of yourself. Get plenty of exercise, and stick to a healthy diet to keep your body in shape and your energy level high.

# 10 - Reliability - Get your degree
Wealthy men are usually well-educated, and well-educated men need a partner who can carry on a decent conversation. Many people have the impression that billionaires care only about landing trophy wives, but this assumption is erroneous. Like any man, the billionaire may be initially attracted to the beautiful woman who hasn't read a newspaper since the Clinton administration, but he certainly won't marry her. You will need more than your cleavage to hold his attention, so pick up a book. Billionaire Larry Page — The other Google guy married Lucy Southworth, a Stanford “biomedical informatics doctoral student” — which sure beats “interior decorator” as far as billionaire-wife job titles go.

Now here's the question: 
Do you have that kind of mentality in you?
Do you have what it takes to look beyond your own self-interests?
Remember one thing -- the most successful, the most responsible, and the most commitment-ready men out there DON'T stay put. They keep moving. They keep growing. And they keep finding ways to become even BETTER men as time goes by.
And here's the thing -- they'll want their girlfriends and wives to keep up with them. They'll want the women in their lives to be just as dynamic, if not more so, than they are. And they definitely don't want a "trophy wife!"  After all, the most successful men out there definitely WON'T look for a woman who's only going to depend on them!


  1. i see you mentioned melania trump...even she has the qualities you talked about...she earned a degree in architecture before going into her dream profession modelling....if that is not self discipline tell me: what is it?

    And she advises her husband on some of the designs for his buildings!

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